e-DaVinci Book Covering Machine
e-DaVinci Book Covering Machine
Quickly cover and protect large quantities of books with bubble-free book covers using CoLibri’s patented e-DaVinci book covering machine.
- This machine uses all sizes of protective, PAT-certified book covers.
- A digital display and foot pedal allows for easy use
- Automatically covers a book in 30 seconds.
- 100% accurate machine-controlled trimming and welding mean you never need scissors or other equipment.
Designed to cover even the largest books, the e-DaVinci book covering machine senses, checks, gauges, lowers, welds, trims and rises again with the simple touch of a button.
Advanced digitally controlled sensors offer accurate results every time. The e-DaVinci is engineered to control temperature, timing, and pressure for 100% accurate welding and trimming.
Compatible with both the 3.5 and 4.7 mil covers of any size: mini, standard, and Big.
- Dimensions: 27.5" X 3.5" X 17"
- Weight: 20 LBs
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